Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lansing, MI, America Needs Fatima Public Square Rosary Rally

ST. JOHNS — Saturday, Oct. 11 at noon, the St. Johns Knights of Columbus Council 3281 in conjunction with St. Joseph Parish in St. Johns and the other K of C council and Catholic parishes in Clinton County will be holding a "Public Rosary Crusade" on the lawn in front of Bee's Auto Sales, 2100 S. US-127 in St. Johns.

This special event is part of the national 2008 Public Square Rosary Crusade, which is instituted by the Fatima group.

America is at an historic crossroad. Secularists are trying to push God away from the public square.

"Without God's help, where will our public leaders gain their wisdom to provide solutions to resolve the grave problems which we are all facing today," said A.J. Thelen. "He will hear us as we pray through the intercession of His Blessed Mother. Public prayer is more powerful than private prayer. Holy Mother the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, has advocated that public prayer is needed in this time of tragedy and suffering."

This special event in St. Johns is also being sponsored by some 3,000 rosary rally groups across the United States. It will include the rosary and special prayers to reach a divine and productive solution to this nation's deepening problems. In 1955 Austria freed itself from the chains of Communism by praying the rosary, just like Fatima is asking us to do here today, said Thelen.

This prayer program is open to all people and faiths that are interested in helping this country and the world work together to bring peace and unity so everyone can work collectively for the betterment of the total society.

"Your prayers and help are needed to achieve this goal," said Thelen.

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