Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Public Square Rosary Rallies in Las Vegas, NV

With help from Our Blessed Mother, the public rosaries in Las Vegas went very well last October 11 despite the windy conditions and the extraordinary cold weather that day. While the turnout was not as big as last year, we definitely covered more areas this year.


More than 20 public rosaries were held in various parts of the city including in front of abortion clinics, big casinos and hotels, parks and shopping centers, on sidewalks across the Las Vegas Cathedral and other Catholic churches and landmarks, and on busy major intersections.


One was specially organized as a children's public rosary and was well attended and led by young children. We saw a tremendous and very moving display of love for Our Blessed Virgin everywhere. Even motorists and passers by gave thumbs up signs, blew their horns, or waved as a sign of support to the public prayers.

Attached is a copy of our program and also a sample of the fliers distributed or placed in the weekly bulletins in several of our local Catholic Churches. In some parishes, a Holy Mass was offered followed by a procession and/or a talk on the history of the apparitions of Our Lady in Fatima.

There was much joy and thanksgiving in the hearts of everyone who attended the public rosaries. Many said we should do it more often because our nation is desperately in need of prayers especially during these very critical times when so much is at stake for our country. 2008PSR.lasvegas.pix.ogden-2

The rally captains already signed up for next year's public rosary. And we have started to enlist the support of many of our new contacts in the twenty-some Las Vegas parishes in anticipation of the public rosary next year. Attached are initial pictures taken at some of our public rosary locations in Las Vegas.

Others will follow. Someone suggested that for next year, we should reserve a park where all participants can proceed for fellowship and celebration following the public rosary event. We did not have enough time to plan for that this year; however, we were able to hold a post-public rosary gathering for our rally captains to thank them for their dedication and support in making the Las Vegas public rosary this year a success.

Also attached is a picture taken of some of the rally captains who were able to attend. It was wonderful because some of us have not met in person before.

Everyone was excited to share how their public rosaries went and ideas for the next public rosary campaign. I thought you might want to meet (at least in picture) some of our rally captains so here they are.


From left facing the picture are: Mr. John Layman, Mr. Jim Hurja, Mrs. Kim Thomas, Caroline Kuhn, Mrs. Diane Ventura, Mrs. Pat Layman, Mr. Ed Graveline, Mrs. Liza Barte, Mrs. Susan Hurja, and Mr. Johnny Ventura. Mr. Clark Barte was behind the camera. (Sorry, some have left the gathering by the time someone thought of taking a group picture.)

Please accept our deepest gratitude to America Needs Fatima for organizing this nationwide public prayer and offering to Our Blessed Mother. We cannot thank you all at TFP-ANF enough for this wonderful gift of being able to express our love for Our Blessed Mother and pray for our country in such a very special way, along with thousands of our brothers and sisters in Christ across the nation!

Also, please give my special thanks and best regards to Mr. Edward Ritchie, Mr. Michael Drake, and the TFP members in the Spring Grove office for their kindness and support. And to Mr. Francis Slobodnik, Mr. Chris Pierce and to all the wonderful folks at the Kansas office and their families for the lovely and memorable stay I had with them in September. I will never forget their hospitality, friendship, and kindness.

May Our Lord bless and keep you always.
Caroline Kuhn

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