Wednesday, August 4, 2010

You never know who might see your rally

"Throughout the U.S., the Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property is organizing 'America Needs Fatima' rosary rallies in October. In my area, these are being advertised by the statewide Catholic paper as a 'solution' to the 'problems' of abortion and same-sex marriage.

"Wherever these occur, they’re overtly political, a battle cry to the faithful to return to the (Republican) fold and vote solely on those non-negotiable issues of abortion and same-sex marriage.

"I just passed one of these rallies in my car. It wasn’t clear to me whether this was officially an America Needs Fatima rally or some spin off. One sign seemed to indicate that a local Catholic parish was sponsoring this rally. All along the sides of a busy road for a mile or so, people were standing with signs condemning abortion..."


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