Monday, October 18, 2010

31 rosary rallies yesterday in Las Vegas

There were 31 public rosaries held in Las Vegas yesterday.

Here is a pictures from the one Rally in front of the Red Rock Casino in Las Vegas on Charleston Blvd.


There were 28 people all joining together to pray for God's healing of our nation. The day was hot and sunny in front of the Red Rock Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. God provided a cool breeze now and then to cool us off. It was a wonderful feeling.

Cars slowed down to read our sign, and many honked in approval. There were no instances of anyone being offended at what we were doing.

They sang to Mary and prayed the Rosary. A 9 year old girl lead a decade and an 80 year old lead one too.

All in all, it was a wonderful day to pray a public Rosary, so that all will know that it will be through the Immaculate Heart of Mary that the victory will come.

(Our specials thanks to Caroline Kuhn for organizing these rallies, and for being such a staunch supporter of Our Lady of Fatima.)

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