Monday, October 4, 2010

Seton Hall University Starts "Gay Marriage" Course, Betrays Catholic Identity


Despite objections by the Archbishop of Newark, the diocesan Seton Hall University is allowing an anti-catholic course on “Gay Marriage” to be taught.

Despite objections by the local archbishop, Seton Hall University is allowing pro-homosexual professor W. King Mott to give a course on “The Politics of Gay Marriage.”

When plans for the anti-Catholic course were first announced at the diocesan university, the Most Reverend John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark, responded. “This proposed course seeks to promote as legitimate a train of thought that is contrary to what the Church teaches. As a result, the course is not in sync with Catholic teaching,” he stated.

However, despite the archbishop’s misgivings the course was not stopped.

The American TFP website invites its members to join TFP Student Action in contacting Seton Hall University with a simple message: “Just Cancel the Course.”

To read more about the class and its professor,
please click here.

To protest, click on the button below.


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