Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Two reminders of what we are fighting - by David Schmidt

Dear pro-life friends:

There are moments that the mentality that we are up against becomes so clear. I was reminded of this twice over the last week by two stories that I couldn't ignore. The first comes from England where British author and columnist Virginia Ironside said in a TV interview:
  • "If I were the mother of a suffering child - I mean a deeply suffering child - I would be the first to want to put a pillow over its face... If it was a child I really loved, who was in agony, I think any good mother would." (watch her say this)
Her words on abortion:
  • "If a baby's going to be born severely disabled or totally unwanted, surely an abortion is the act of a loving mother." (watch her say this)
Closer to home a similar mentality was expressed in an interview Planned Parenthood abortionist Jill Meadows gave to the Journal Star newspaper of Lincoln, NE. One paragraph about abortionist Jill Meadows reads:
  • She has come to believe that life begins, not at conception, but when it becomes meaningful, when ensoulment is possible, when viability and taking breath is possible. The miracle of life occurs at birth, she says.
The lack of basic scientific understanding is appalling -- but what is more shocking is the ethic that human beings only have a right to live if other people deem their lives "meaningful" or worth living.

When we talk about replacing the culture of death with a culture of life, this is the culture we are trying to uproot. This is the culture that Live Action is actively working to expose and change. That is our mission and that is why we do this work.

We are so glad to have you as an ally in this fight as we are up against powerful forces. The abortion industry is backed by government money and protected from scrutiny by major media - that is why so much of our focus is on breaking through that media wall to educate our world.

Let us never tire of doing the right thing with an attitude of love.

Pressing on,

David Schmidt

Media Director, Live Action

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