Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pray, sacrifice and light a Fatima Candle in reparation for the promotion of homosexual sin by the Catholic diocese of Saltillo, Mexico

Send a candle of reparation to the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima.


We know Our Lady will triumph. She said so at Fatima, on July 13, 1917:

"Finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!"

But this does NOT mean it will be smooth sailing until then, as some would want us to believe. For example, see what is happening in the Catholic diocese of Saltillo, Mexico.

According to Life Site News, the Saltillo diocese promoted a conference titled the 4th FORUM ON SEXUAL, FAMILIY AND RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY by a diocesan homosexualist organization that:

  • condones sodomy
  • approves cross-dressing
  • supports abortion

These are blatant violations of Catholic morals and Natural Law. And it is a terrible offense against God and a public scandal to the faithful.

Such a shocking situation demands serious reparation. So please join other Catholic faithful in:

  • Praying the Rosary, as Our Lady asked at Fatima
  • Doing a Holy Hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
  • Fasting, offering sacrifice, and doing acts of penance

Also, in reparation, please:

Send a candle of reparation to the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima.

Unfortunately, the local ordinary, Bishop Raúl Vera López, celebrated Holy Mass for conference attendees.

According to the Catholic news agency ACI Prensa, a featured speaker for the conference was "Friar" Julián Cruzalta, a man who Catholic authorities have denounced for allowing himself to be falsely presented as a priest and representative of the Dominican order.

He was "chaplain" to "Catholics for the Right to Decide," opposed laws to protect the unborn and supported the homosexual political agenda.

The conference aimed to "eradicate what some sectors of the Church think about homosexuality," according to the informational page on the diocesan website.

Some conference events and lectures titles were:

  • Two Mothers: Virtual Activism
  • Papa, mama, I'm gay
  • Crime for love doesn't pay, but it's comforting

Again, according to Life Site News, the diocesan promotional materials for the conference did NOT echo Catholic teaching that homosexual sin is a "grave evil" and the homosexual inclination is "intrinsically disordered."

For all these reasons, the Catholic faithful must offer prayer and reparation to Our Lord and to Our Lady.

So, please say a Rosary, do adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, offer sacrifices, and, if you'd like:

Send a candle of reparation to the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima.

This is the least we can do to console the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

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