Friday, August 26, 2011

Unprecedented earthquake hits the East Coast; Hurricane Irene coming up next

Tuesday's unprecedented 5.9 earthquake that shook up the East Coast of the United States is certainly making people stand up and take notice.

Add to this the fact that Hurricane Irene is forecast to hit the East Coast as well.

What is going on with the weather? Do these two natural events have no meaning for us? Are they just random disasters? Or is God trying to tell us something? Can these two events be wake up calls?

Another thing to take into consideration is that strange and unprecedented storms and natural disasters are happening in other areas of the world, and even in other regions of the United States.

For example, a recent storm in the Chicago area saw 18,000 lightning bolts in one session.


The important thing right now is that we not close our minds, our hearts and our ears to hear what God may be telling us by these unusual happenings.

Instead, we must ask ourselves in all simplicity and honesty if there may be any reason why God is upset with each one of us as a person, and with us as a people, as a nation.

As we reflect upon all the intense public pushes to legalize same-sex "marriage", plus the recent efforts to keep Planned Parenthood funded with tax payer money, plus the blasphemies against the holy purity of Our Lady, plus the push to get rid of the Cross at Ground Zero in New York, we may well find reasons to believe why God is upset with us.

What then should we do?

We should do exactly what Our Lady told us to do in Fatima, when she appeared to the three children in 1917. She told us to do penance;she told us to do reparation;she told us to amend our lives; she told us to pray, especially the Holy Rosary.

Unfortunately, most of Our Lady's requests went unheeded. And this is a great tragedy.

But here at America Needs Fatima, we are decided to increase our efforts to make known the message of Our Lady of Fatima, in the hope that even now, souls will be touched by Our Lady's urgent message of conversion.

For this purpose, there will be a Public Square Rosary Crusade in 7000 locations on Saturday, October 15.

If you feel called by Our Lady to join this monumental effort to convert America, then please visit our website at

May Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the United States, take advantage of the recent natural disasters for the salvation of many souls and for the general return of America to God.

by Robert Ritchie

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