Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Star of the Sea

Bright star of the shaded heaven
Soft gleam of the nocturnal dome,
Vivid splendor, wondrous omen,
Raging billows swell, crash and foam,
Shine, O Mother! Lead me home...

Clear luster of a shrouded sky,
Veiled, yet clear to he who seeks,
To perceive your shimmer set on high,
Asks a search beyond sullen streaks,
Shine, O Mary! To lofty peaks...

To he whose gaze is set above,
Your glitter reveals prodigies,
Of grace, purity, meekness, love,
Inspiring arden eulogies,
Shine, O Queen! Through raging seas...

Radiant Mother, shine bright as noon,
Death's dreary cloud smothers the view,
Your soft aura anoints the wound,
Rays drizzling down as gentle dew,
Shine, O Blessed Lady! To life anew...

Your halo, beacon and sole guide,
Leads from this weary world adrift,
Hastening at last to your side,
With wounded heart by pain a'rift:
Your grateful child's only gift.
Shine, O dear Mother, shine!

by a nun at the Carmel of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Elysburg, Penn.

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