Monday, November 9, 2015

Your 2016 Fatima Calendar is ready! Order it FREE today!

2016 Fatima Calendar
Fatima July 29 2014 6pm Facebook
     Our 2016 Fatima Calendar is ready!   Order it FREE today!
     If you already have one, order another for a relative or friend!
     They will be thrilled! They make great Christmas gifts too!
     Every year our ANF Graphic Design crew outdo themselves in the crafting of our calendar.
     Large, packed with state of the art, one of a kind photos of the holy places in Fatima, the 2016 Fatima Calendar is a joy to behold.
     And this calendar is uniquely “Marian” in that each day of the year is inscribed with a particular feast and title of the Blessed Mother. You will learn of titles of Our Lady you never dreamed existed!
     On each page there is also a marvelous photo of the beloved, miraculous statue of Our Lady of Fatima that wept real tears in New Orleans years ago!
     Think of it…
     From each page the beautiful, expressive, tender eyes of the Blessed Mother look on you and yours. 
     Once you hang the Fatima Calendar on your wall, Our Lady’s sweet and constant presence will permeate your home throughout the year.
Click to order the 2016 Fatima Calendar today!

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