Friday, July 28, 2017

Grasshopper Chapel

Beginning in 1874, an infestation of the worst kind plagued the plains of eastern South Dakota. The grasshoppers tormented the cattle and horses and ate the leaves off vegetables, the wood of pitchforks, rakes, and hoes. They flew in swarms thick enough to choke a man.

Fighting the swarms of grasshoppers was beginning to look like an effort in futility when Father Pierre Boucher decided to appeal to God to help save the crops. The pastor led a pil­grimage on an 11-mile trek from field to field. In each field, a giant cross was erected to ward off the grasshop­pers, and the people prayed for Divine intervention to stop the horrible plague. Miraculously, their prayers were an­swered. The grasshoppers disappeared the very same day.

This is one of the chapels built to thank Our Blessed Mother for relief from the Grasshopper.

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