Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Join the March for Life even if you can’t be there in person!

    Will you please join us at the National 2018 March for Life on Friday, January 19th in Washington, D.C.?

    Will you stand with us, and hundreds of thousands more, on the Supreme Court steps and say “Enough!”?

    But, with only a few days left, how can you possibly set aside all your duties and obligations to do what you know is right?

    To stand up for those innocent babies who are denied a voice in “the land of the free.”

    The good news is – you can join us right from where you are!

    Simply sign up here and your name will be added to our banner displaying the names of thousands of like-minded pro-life people just like you.

    This impressive banner will be carried behind a statue of Our Lady of Fatima as well, bearing witness to the love you have for Our Blessed Mother and for the precious unborn children.

    Please come and join us in spirit; add your name to Our Lady’s banner.

    We will be printing up our banner in just A FEW SHORT DAYS!

    So please don’t wait…. Sign up now ….so that your name can be counted among those who love life, and above all, love Him Who is the Author and Finisher of all life.

    I hope and pray you will add your name to our banner. Join the March, and be part of the largest act of reparation in our country for the sin of abortion.
                                   I remain your friend,
                                   In Jesus and Mary,

                                   Robert E. Ritchie
                                   America Needs Fatima

PS:   Click here now to make sure that you will be on the banner that marches on Washington.

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