Friday, May 4, 2018

A Coma, Infection, And The Rosary

“Yes, Mr. Ritchie, my son still has a long road ahead, but Our Lord and Our Lady are seeing R. through this. My son is a perfect example of the power in the Holy Rosary and Faith and Hope.”

Dear Mr. Ritchie,
I thank you for sending me the picture of the miraculous fresco of Our Lady of Good Counsel from a printout of Genazzano, Italy. It arrived at my home at a time that only Our Lady herself knew. My son R. was in critical care in D.C. due to a blood disorder that spread havoc upon his heart, lungs, and his entire body. R. was put into a coma for eight weeks.
He also had a bacterial blood infection that the doctors could not figure where or what was causing it. That beautiful photo of Our Lady came to my home and I wrote on the back of it to Our Lady to heal my son and I bought a frame and hung it in my living room and prayed to our Blessed Mother to take that infection out of my son’s blood, …just please get rid of it.
Mr. Ritchie, two days later that infection left my son’s blood. Doctors still do not know what caused it. My son R. lives in southern Maryland and his dear priest had his name put on the altar at Easter at a Mass given by Pope Francis.
My son had double pneumonia for six weeks; lungs needed draining; on a ventilator to breathe; blood clots in both legs; and was bleeding internally. He was suffering from the effects of a mild stroke all during the eight weeks in critical care. The doctors did not think my son was going to make it.
As a mother I prayed my Rosary daily as I always do and prayed for acceptance to Our Lord’s will. In the hospital my son had four doctors caring for his needs and I pray they will remember how I would place my rosary on my son every time I would say my Rosary for my son and to realize it was God and Our Lady’s hand upon him.
My son was brought out of the coma at the end of the eight weeks. He then was in ICU [Intensive Care Unit – Ed.] three weeks, in another room for one week, and the hospital gave my dear son a grant to go to a home/rehab for one month due to my son not having insurance.
My dear Lord Jesus took care of everything for my son – hearing my pleas through the wonderful Rosary and intercession of Our Mother.
Yes, Mr. Ritchie, my son still has a long road ahead, but Our Lord and Our Lady are seeing R. through this. He went from a wheelchair, to a walker, and now a cane. He is able to attend Mass and is planning to marry September 14. My son is a perfect example of the power in the Holy Rosary and Faith and Hope.
“Thank you” does not seem enough, but I say again to you, “thank you” for the beautiful picture. We treasure it.
Fayettville, Penn.

The above unsolicited Story of Mary – Story of the Rosary is taken from a recent letter from a member of America Needs Fatima’s family of souls to Mr. Robert Ritchie, Executive Director of America Needs Fatima.

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