Monday, October 20, 2008

Mail call!

101808 trip to Sacred Image 007

This is a photo of the last two volunteers at our Kansas campaign office. On the left is Mrs. Sue Clark of Paulding Ohio, on the right is Mrs. Patricia Schmutz of Zanesville Ohio.

As you can see they have quite a lot to do going through all of the rally reports. This amount of mail was from a second run to the post office at noon time. A pile equal to this came in during the morning run.

As the mail is reviewed we will continue to report on the incredible happenings for Our Lady across the country.


My favorite picture from one of the rosary rallies is this one of a lady in deep prayer. And it matches one of my favorite quotes:

"When men resolve to cooperate with the grace of God, the marvels of history are worked: the conversion of the Roman Empire; the formation of the Middle Ages; the reconquest of Spain, starting from Covadonga; all the events that result from the great resurrections of soul of which peoples are also capable. These resurrections are invincible, because nothing can defeat a people that is virtuous and truly loves God."

Plinio Correa de Oliveira

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