Monday, October 20, 2008

Please save your rally banners for 2009

If you were a rally captain this past October 11th, then please save your banners for 2009!


If your banner was damaged or torn by winds we will let you know later on, how you can get your banner replaced. If we all save our banners, that will be a tremendous help in keeping expenses lower for the rally next year.

More News From Rally Captains

One of our rally captains in South Carolina advertised in every bulletin across the state. Their rally was held at the Shrine of Our Lady of South Carolina in Kingstree.

A rally captain in Sandusky Ohio was very disappointed with the turn out having only 85 in attendance. 85 I believe is a very good turnout. The rally captain was disappointed that the turnout was less than 2007.

When the turnout is less that should encourage us to redouble our efforts. If only a few show up, then God will surely, in ways that cannot be imagined, overwhelm with graces, those who had the devotion to be there.

Another rally captain in Wilmington Delaware had 13 in attendance. The notable aspect of this rally, was that it was held at a nursing home. Some of those in attendance were in wheel chairs or had to use walkers. The rally captain noted on her report that she is saving her banner for next year!

Letter From Hostess of Fatima Home Visit

We recently received a letter from the hostess of a home visit with a Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima who lives in the San Antonio Texas area.

She wrote, "I had been depressed with problems at home. I forgot to cry out to my Mother and to Her Son Jesus Christ. However, since the home visit, I pray each and every morning and evening and praise God for His love and goodness. My husband also suffers from the effects of a stroke that happened almost 11 months ago. He is confined to a wheel chair. He told everyone how delighted he was to have Our Lady present. He even has told strangers about this.

From now on I'll ask God and Our Lady, for peace in my home and in our hearts. Now, when I feel lonely I cry out to Our Lady of Fatima to intercede for me."

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