Our Father in heaven, You are merciful! I cannot think that You, Lord, would refuse to do what we beseech You for the honor of Your Son. Lord, we ask not for our sake, for we are not deserving; but for the sake of the Blood of Your Son and of His merits. We also ask for the sake of the merits of His glorious Mother and that of so many martyrs and saints who died for Your Name.
O Eternal Father, let not so many lashes, wounds, and torments, which Your Son suffered be forgotten. O my Creator, it hurts me to see such a loving Heart as Yours suffering because of such little care for what Your Son did for us! The world is burning! They want to sentence Christ anew!
They want to flatten the Church to the ground, destroy the temples, lose many souls, and take away the Sacraments! Why is this happening, my Lord and my God?
Either put an end to the world, or provide a remedy for so grave an evil that spares no heart, not even those of us who are bad.
Lord, I beseech You, suffer this no more. Start a fire, Lord. If You will it, You can. There must be some way, O Lord. Act now then, O Majesty! Have pity on so many souls who are being lost, and favor Your Church. Do not permit more harm to Christendom.
Lord, make Light prevail over darkness.
Now Lord. . . Now!
O Lord, make the sea be calm, and stop the ship of the Church from navigating in such a storm! Save us, O Lord, for we perish! Amen
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