Eudes was born in 1601 in the Norman village of Ri, France, to devout
parents who consecrated him to the Holy Virgin. In 1615 he made a vow of
chastity while he was studying with the Jesuits of Caen. On that
occasion he consecrated himself to Mary, from which time he was notable
for his fervent devotion to her.

left the Jesuits to enter the Congregation of the Oratory, founded by
the famous Fr. Pierre de Berulle, who worked to re-establish orthodoxy
of doctrine and sanctity of life among the clergy. John Eudes thought
that the training of priests should also be a priority, so in 1643, he
left the Oratory and founded the Society of Jesus and Mary to specialize
in seminary education. The first seminary of the Eudists Fathers, as
they became known, opened in Caen, shortly followed by many others.
In order to convert women of ill-fame and assist those who had converted from a wayward life, he founded another institution, the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity. He also instituted the parish mission to evangelize neglected souls. For many years, he preached to large crowds in churches or open fields, in the courts of nobles and the King. His sermons were renowned for his strong condemnation of the vices of his audience, the brilliant eloquence with which he delivered them and, above all, the eminent sanctity which shone forth from him and gave substance to all his words.
spread the devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and was
instrumental in procuring the Church’s approval of liturgical offices in
Their honor. Always faithful to the Chair of Peter, he was persecuted
by the Jansenists, whom he counter-attacked with energy.
He died on August 19, 1680, with the names of Jesus and Mary on his lips.

In order to convert women of ill-fame and assist those who had converted from a wayward life, he founded another institution, the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity. He also instituted the parish mission to evangelize neglected souls. For many years, he preached to large crowds in churches or open fields, in the courts of nobles and the King. His sermons were renowned for his strong condemnation of the vices of his audience, the brilliant eloquence with which he delivered them and, above all, the eminent sanctity which shone forth from him and gave substance to all his words.

He died on August 19, 1680, with the names of Jesus and Mary on his lips.
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