spending many years in the desert under the direction of St. Anthony,
Paphnutius, the holy confessor of Egypt, was made a bishop. Paphnutius
suffered persecution under the rule of Emperor Maximinus, which is said
to have been the bloodiest persecution of Christians during the Roman
Empire. After his right eye was gouged out, and his left knee hamstrung
and mutilated, the bishop was condemned to work in the mines for
refusing to comply with traditional Roman religious practices.
the persecutions ended about the year 313, Paphnutius returned to his
priestly duties, bearing forever the evidence of his sufferings. He was
most ardent in defending the Catholic faith against the Arian heresy. As
one who had confessed the Faith before persecutors and under torments,
he was an outstanding figure of the first General Council of the Church,
held at Nicaea in the year 325. He died about 350.
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